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Sunday, August 15, 2010


Dad, I did not smoke to prove a point,

I did it because it felt right, it felt good,

Growing up in my childhood,

I saw you puffing the sticks away,

I saw you having good time,

I knew you enjoyed it,

I wanted to have a drag too,

I had it and am not sorry and rue,

If you are not guilty,

Why should I sulk?

If you do as you please,

Why should I nudge?

I still smoke

I still crib,

Therefore, Dad, stop telling me what to do,

Because your dad didn’t tell you too,

And if your dad didn’t ask you what to do,

Why the hell should you?


  1. ROFLMAO!!!! I wish i could show this to my dad !!! but don't want to get in a situation where in i say ' aa bail mujhe maar' and then blame the bail :P

    BRilliant work Heena !!!
